Freeware by EatMe
- Sitemaker to make your (artist) website
- new (2024-04): renamer-win10 Renamer v2.4.5 windows 7 / windows 10 / windows 11 setup / 1266 KB
renamer-win98 renamer v2.4.5 / 274 K / about renamer (specs)
renamer screenshot - EAZ by EatMe
- test: eaz4d.exe (multiple flowers) / 41 K
- new: eaz4c.exe (keyboard control) / 41 K
- v2: eaz2.exe (faster visuals) / 43 K
- v1: eaz.exe (slow visuals) / 52 K
- in-browser emulation on and here
Set focus and control with keys:
ESC (quit)
q/as (divisions)
d/fgh (directions)
z + xcvbnmwertyuiop (color)
- WaIT! / 32 K / MS-DOS delay timer application, for waiting / -? for info
- icon.exe / 13 K / programmable quicklaunch clock menu icon
- godir.exe v2x / 60 KB / fast directory on HD finder util (find all folders fast / help included) v2 with colors and fixed bug closing screen
Create a list of all directories on selected disk[s] with the List.. button or with GoDir /L
(run GoDir as administrator to create the list properly).
Run "GoDir *last part of directory/folder name as search pattern*" to
Open the directory (if only 1 result is found)
Display a list of first results to open (if multiple results are found) to open with 1 click.
Godir Windows
will open your Windows directory
after creating a list of directories/folders in GoDir (run as administrator for creating the list).
Optionally, put GoDir.exe and the GODIR.LST list in your Windows directory, so you can access GoDir via the Windows+R run command dialog.
GoDir does not need to be ran as administrator to open or display folders in the list, only for creating the list.
- English: com.eatme.ChordLord.4.01.235.xrnx
- Spanish: com.eatme.AcordeSenor.4.01.235.xrnx
- French: com.eatme.AccordSeigneur.4.01.235.xrnx
- Portuguese: com.eatme.SenhorAcordes.4.01.235.xrnx
- Italian: com.eatme.AccordoSignore.4.01.235.xrnx
- Deutsch: com.eatme.AkkordMann.4.01.235.xrnx A tool for Renoise 3 to play and record 235 chord types in all scales and notes.
- DuckieBoard: pro.eatme.DuckieBoard.1.4.0.xrnx
- FourConnect: pro.eatme.FourConnect.1.1.0.xrnx
- BackGammon: pro.eatme.BackGammon.1.2.0.xrnx
- BoardGame: pro.eatme.BoardGame.1.2.0.xrnx
- Dearest (Animal race) Boardgame: pro.eatme.Dearest.Boardgame.1.1.0.xrnx
- Connect Four: pro.eatme.ConnectFour.1.1.0.xrnx
- Wordle (EN): pro.eatme.Wordle.1.4.F1.xrnx
- Wordle (PT): pro.eatme.PTwordle.1.4.F1.xrnx
- Wordle (ESP): pro.eatme.ESPwordle.1.4.F1.xrnx
- Lingo (NL): pro.eatme.LingoDutch.1.4.F1.xrnx
- param.exe / 10.5 K / given parameter displayer (for coders only)
- vstfx.exe / 56.5 K / add lots of VST plugins to modplug tracker at once
- winblock.exe / 32 K / windows 9x reboot blocker
- winblockXP.exe / 32 K / windows 7 & XP reboot blocker
Start this tool with your computer to prevent the system from shutting down and allowing you to keep your computer running.
- works in Windows 7 and Windows 10
- Reboot and Shutdown buttons do not work in WinXP or Win7 or Win10
- for WinXP users:
to enable in Windows XP:
in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
set: AutoEndTasks
to: 0
download all EAZ versions in a .zip with help
required to run is DosBox (Ctrl+F11/F12 to adjust speed)

EatMe: Renoise tools
Drop the .xrnx (after download) on a Renoise window to install (1x per tool version.)
Find the tools in Renoise menu Tools...

ChordLord.. and translations:
This tool serves chords into the Pattern Editor when record mode is on, and previews chords using OSC server when record mode is off.
More info in the manual.
Games: Renoise tools

Please donate to EatMe.
Other (old) tools
expecting back:
- installer: random m3u playlist maker win32/64