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ChordLord.. and translations:

  • English: com.eatme.ChordLord.4.00.235.xrnx
  • Spanish: com.eatme.AcordeSenor.4.00.235.xrnx
  • French: com.eatme.AccordSeigneur.4.00.235.xrnx
  • Portuguese: com.eatme.SenhorAcordes.4.00.235.xrnx
  • Italian: com.eatme.AccordoSignore.4.00.235.xrnx
  • Deutsch: com.eatme.AkkordMann.4.00.235.xrnx
  • A tool for Renoise 3 to play and record 235 chord types in all scales and notes.

    This tool serves chords into the Pattern Editor when record mode is on, and previews chords using OSC server when record mode is off.
    More info in the manual and on the Renoise tools website.